Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Glycolic Acid Information

Glycolic acid one of the more popular types of fruit acids that is commonly used. The glycolic acid is often derived sugar cane and is in the same classification as citric acid. These fruit acids are often times called alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA). The Glycolic is a naturally occurring acid and its natural form it is colorless and odorless. It is also very soluble in water.

Glycolic acid has its uses in the industrial industry. It is used in a wide range of jobs that requires high corrosive acid. This includes the removal of rust and acting as a degreaser for different machinery and equipment parts. It is a very dangerous substance and that is why it is a hazardous material, depending on the concentration. Concentrations below 10% are often used in skin creams and treatments but amounts above that are used for other heavy duty uses.

Glycolic acid is used in the industrial industry, but it also has its uses in the cosmetics market. There are countless skin creams, lotions and gels that contain this acid. The main use of the acid is as a moisturizer and a skin exfoliant. It is very effective as an exfoliant because of its high acidity and as mentioned above, how easily soluble it is in water and related substances. Mentioned earlier above that concentrations of over 10% of glycolic acid are considered highly acidic and would extremely damage the skin. That is why all cosmetics products that use glycolic acid contain a concentration that is less than 10%.

Glycolic acid has multiple benefits. It is used to reduce the looks of wrinkles, eczema scarring, hyperpigmentation and acne scarring. It is also a very excellent exfoliant and it can help reduce the look of many different skin conditions that may affect the skin. How it works is by chemically peeling the skin depending on the concentrations used in the specific product. It is very effective at being absorbed into the skin and this helpful as it will react with the top layer of the epidermis. Once the glycolic acid reaches the top layer it will weaken the lipids binding power; this responsible for holding the skin cells together. Once this happens the glycolic will be able to dissolve the underlying skin in the lower part of the epidermis. To neutralize the acid, a water rinse is used to wash it off.

If a patient takes the glycolic acid treatment then often times their skin will look like it is sunburned badly. Once the glycolic acid peel is done it will take a couple of days before the skin recovers. The look can be quite unsightly, but the results will have the individual looking fabulous. The skin will also be very sensitive to the sun and it is highly recommended that you use sunscreen after you exfoliate your skin with glycolic acid.